Pemahaman Etika Kristen Tentang Perceraian di Jemaat GBI ROCK Tabanan
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This study aims to determine the understanding of the congregation at GBI ROCK Tabanan about Christian ethics, the meaning of divorce, Christian ethics about divorce, and the impact of divorce. Research data sources in this study were the congregation at GBI ROCK Tabanan which were determined using purposive sampling technique. The collected data is then analyzed using the condensation, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the GBI ROCK Tabanan congregation had understood Christian ethics; the GBI ROCK Tabanan congregation do not understand the meaning of divorce; the GBI ROCK Tabanan congregation already understands Christian ethics regarding divorce; the GBI ROCK Tabanan congregation has not comprehensively understood the impact of divorce. Based on the results of this research, several things are suggested: (1) The Pastor should hold a pre-marital seminar on Christian ethics related to divorce and GBI's theological attitude towards the issue of divorce; and (2) the congregation needs to develop the initiative to take part in Christian ethics seminars related to divorce so that they can have a correct understanding of the issue of divorce among Christians
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