Penerapan Coping Strategy dalam Pernikahan Ditinjau Dari Amsal 4:23 di GBI ROCK Jakarta

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Nancy Limantono
Vonny A Susanta
Suheru Suheru


The purpose of this research is to describe: 1) the congregation’s understanding on coping strategyes in GBI ROCK Jakarta; 2) the congregation’s understanding on coping mechanisms in GBI ROCK Jakarta; 3) the congregation’s understanding on coping techniques in GBI ROCK Jakarta; 4) the congregation’s application of coping strategyes in marriage based on Proverbs 4:23 in GBI ROCK Jakarta. This research uses the qualitative method. The objective of this research is the application of coping strategyes in marriage founded upon Proverbs 4:23 in GBI ROCK Jakarta. Data intake technique uses the observation method, documentation study and online interviews with 14 members of GBI ROCK Jakarta congregation. Data analysis uses the data condensation method, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. Data validity test uses the credibility and dependability test. Results of the research show that the respondents, namely GBI ROCK Jakarta congregation, only a few understand coping strategyes; none of the respondents understand coping mechanisms, most of the respondents understand coping techniques thus they can respond correctly in dealing with problems in marriage although there are quite a lot who are still in the process of improvement. In the application of coping strategyes in marriage founded upon Proverbs 4:23 most of the congregation has made efforts in being aware of their thoughts, not acting foolishly in emotional situations and conceptualizing new thoughts that will result in right behavior according to God’s word

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How to Cite
Limantono, N. ., Susanta, V. A., & Suheru, S. (2024). Penerapan Coping Strategy dalam Pernikahan Ditinjau Dari Amsal 4:23 di GBI ROCK Jakarta. Kingdom, 4(1), 21–46. Retrieved from


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